Why Investing in ‘We’ Over ‘Me’ Could Heal America

I am not at all inclined to spend money freely or easily, a trait I trace directly to my father. On Saturdays when I was […]
Pablo Mosciski MD · 3 days ago · 2 minutes read

Generosity and the Health of Our Nation

The Shift from "We" to "Me"

Our society has gradually shifted from a community-oriented mindset to one focused on individualism, resulting in a decline in public engagement and trust.

"The road toward coming back together again is paved in cold, hard cash," argues the author.

The Importance of Investing in "We"

According to research, a generous outlook can lead to:

  • Longer, healthier lives
  • Reduced loneliness
  • Increased happiness

The Paradox of Swedish Taxes

Despite having some of the highest taxes in the world, Swedes are known for their high level of satisfaction with their country.

This is due to a strong sense of trust and a belief that tax revenue is used for the benefit of the entire population.

Why Americans Hate Paying Their Share

The author questions the reasons behind Americans' aversion to paying taxes and suggests that it may be due to:

  • Rugged individualism
  • Bystander effect
  • Late-stage capitalism

The Cost of Personalization

Our obsession with personalization has come at a cost, contributing to the spread of misinformation and the decline of civic engagement.

A study found that individuals who use first-person pronouns excessively may be more likely to experience health problems.

A New Perspective

"Let's reconsider what a deal really looks like and just pony up," urges the author.

Investing in the "we" may lead to:

  • A happier and healthier society
  • Reduced loneliness
  • A stronger democracy
  • "A deal, in the end"