The relationship between social safeness and pleasure and resilience levels among university athl...

This study investigates the correlation between social safeness and pleasure and resilience among university students engaged in sports. A total of 350 participants (mean age, 21.09 ± 3.12 years), comprising 239 females and 111 males, were included in the sam…
Pablo Mosciski MD · 12 days ago · 3 minutes read

## Social Safeness, Pleasure, and Resilience in University Athletes: A Comprehensive Analysis### IntroductionSports play a significant role in individuals' physical, mental, and social well-being. They promote overall health, enhance psychological resilience, and facilitate social connections. This study examines the relationship between social safeness, pleasure, and resilience among university athletes.### BackgroundSocial safeness refers to individuals' sense of security and trust in their social environment. It involves feeling accepted, supported, and valued by others. Pleasure, on the other hand, encompasses feelings of contentment and enjoyment in one's social interactions. Both social safeness and pleasure contribute to positive mental health and well-being.Resilience, a key psychological attribute, enables individuals to recover and thrive in the face of adversity. University athletes face unique stressors, including academic demands, athletic pressures, and social challenges. Resilience helps them navigate these stressors while maintaining their motivation and performance.### Research QuestionsThis study investigated:- The levels of social safeness, pleasure, and resilience among university athletes.- The relationship between social safeness and pleasure and resilience.- The impact of gender, age, faculty, and sports participation on these variables.### MethodThe study employed a relational and descriptive survey design. Participants were 350 university students from various faculties and sports backgrounds. Data were collected using the Social Safeness and Pleasure Scale and the Resilience Scale.### Results1. **Social Safeness and Pleasure:** Participants reported above-mid-level feelings of social safeness and pleasure, indicating a sense of acceptance and satisfaction in their social environment.2. **Resilience:** Participants also exhibited above-mid-level resilience scores, demonstrating their capacity to bounce back from challenges.3. **Gender Differences:** Male participants had significantly higher levels of resilience, emotional coping, and situational coping compared to female participants.4. **Age Effect:** Younger students had lower scores in social safeness, pleasure, and resilience.5. **Faculty Differences:** Students from the Sports Sciences Faculty exhibited significantly higher resilience scores compared to Health Sciences and Islamic Sciences students.6. **Sports Participation:** Athletes had significantly higher resilience, emotional coping, and situational coping scores than non-athletes.7. **Social Safeness and Pleasure-Resilience Relationship:** A statistically significant positive relationship existed between social safeness and pleasure scores and resilience scores. Higher social safeness and pleasure were associated with increased resilience.### DiscussionThe findings support the interconnectedness of social safety, pleasure, and resilience among university athletes. A positive social environment and enjoyable social interactions contribute to resilience. Additionally, sports participation promotes resilience by fostering self-confidence, teamwork, and a sense of community.Gender differences in resilience may be attributed to societal norms and expectations that shape coping mechanisms. Younger students face developmental challenges that can influence their resilience levels. Faculty differences suggest that the specific academic environments and curriculum can impact students' psychological well-being.### ImplicationsThese findings have implications for university athletics and student support services:- **Promote a Safe Social Climate:** Universities can create inclusive and supportive environments that prioritize social safeness and pleasure.- **Encourage Sports Participation:** Participation in sports provides psychological benefits and enhances resilience in athletes.- **Address Age-Related Differences:** Younger students may benefit from targeted resilience-building interventions.- **Tailored Support:** Universities can offer tailored support services based on the specific needs of different faculties and athletic programs.### ConclusionThe study highlights the critical role of social safeness, pleasure, and resilience in the well-being of university athletes. By understanding and fostering these factors, institutions and coaches can support athletes' mental health and performance while preparing them for future challenges.